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Mustard Greens Au Vin 4/99

Mustard Greens Au Vin 4/99

ham, vegetables

4 bunches fresh mustard greens
1 olive oil
3 cup sauterne or any dry white
1 teaspoon louisiana hot sauce
2 tablespoon bacon fat
1 salt
1/2 lb ham

Clean greens well by washing three times. Cover bottom of a large pot with about 1/8" of olive oil. Add the bacon fat. Place greens in the pot. Mix wine, salt, and hot sauce together. Pour over the greens. Cook over high heat, stirring occasionally until greens are tender. Dice up the ham and add to greens during the last half hour of cooking. Make up some Jalapena Corn Bread to go with this and use the "pot likker" to dip it in.

Yield: 4 servings